My Thoughts on Music Education
Dr. B’s Wonderful World of Music Premier post 24 October 2024 My thoughts on music education Most people have to take some sort of music in their school lives. Often they start with grade school singing, sometimes the singing devolves into shouting. (But what can one do: they’re seven year olds!) Then in middle school students are often given the choice of band or choir. If they’re lucky they may have an orchestra option. I am of two opinions over this approach, and I have never come to a satisfying conclusion about it. My quandary is this: given that music is a core subject according to national standards, and thus should be taught to every student just like English, Mathematics, Science, et al, but also given that students who do not wish to participate in performing ensembles either passively or actively act to sabotage music classes, is it better to require all students to participate in music, or is it better to let them opt out and only teach music to stu...